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Showing posts from August, 2021
ATTENTION Repairs are being conducted at the water plant today 8/10/21. While every effort is being made not to disrupt water service, you may still experience low water pressure for short periods of time throughout the day. Thank you. 
 Cross Connection Survey The village is conducting a mandatory cross-connection survey. A cross-connection is where a secondary water source or some other untreated water source is connected to your plumbing which has the potential to backwash contaminated water into the village's water system. The survey was sent to ALL services connected to the system REGARDLESS account status. The survey must be completed and returned to the Iroquois Farmers State Bank or mailed to the Village of Beaverville at PO Box 217, Beaverville IL as soon as possible. If you have any questions or need to make other arrangements to return the survey, please call 815-435-2440. Or, you can send an email to Or, use the form link. Finally, you may also contact any of the village Trustees or the Village President.