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About the Village of Beaverville

Village of Beaverville


Fire and Police Emergencies

Dial 911

Iroquois County Sheriff: 815-432-4918

Village Phone

Please leave a message: 815-435-2440

To report a water main break: 217-267-2331

Water pressure issues after hours: 800-569-0467


Village Board President

Maggie Duby

Village Board of Trustees

Dave Martell

Joyce Arseneau

Pat Cavanaugh

Jamie Taylor


Village Clerk

Teri Boudreau

Village Treasurer

Susan Jones

Water Billing

Mike Emerson

Billing questions and comments

Village Maintenance

Vernon Grohler

Building Permit

Vernon Grohler

Water System Maintenance

E.R.H. Enterprises Inc.: 217-267-2331

After hours emergency answering service: 800-569-0467

Public Notice of Illinois Commerce Commission



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